
Welcome to City Tailors servicesAlterations Price List

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Alterations Price List


Shorten/lengthen - from £18

Shorten/Lenghten with taoe - from £20

Shorten with turn ups - £30

Waist take in/out - from £30

Taper - from £25

Full leg taper - from - £50

1/2 pocket each - £16

Shorten trousers with wide bottoms,/ silky trousers or hand stitch.....£25- £45

Jackets & Coats

Shorten sleeves - from-£40

Shorten sleeves , re-do vent/buttonholes - from 50

Shorten sleeves from shouders -from-£65

Lengthen sleeves - from-  £55

We do original button holes!

Jacket shorten - from - £50

Shoulders taking in -  £45

Jacket sides tailored - £45

Jackets sides tailored, re-do vents - from £55

Coat shorten - from £50

Jackets & coats re-lined, please ask for quotation.


Shorten (contrast or same colour stitching) - £18

Shorten with original finish (original hem cut and reattached to keep the treated hem) - £28

Taper - from £25

Full leg taper  -from- £50

Waist altered - £30

1/2 pocket each - £16

Wedding Dresses

We make, re-size or re-design wedding dresses please contact us for more information

Shorten - from £160

Take in - from £150

Bridesmaid Dresses

Shorten - from £45

Take in - from 45

Skirts & Dresses

Shorten (unlined)-  from- £20

Shorten (lined) - from £35

Shorten Handstitch - from £40

Full length skirts/ dresses shorten from £45

Skirt waist & hip tailored - from £40

Dress take in side seams (unlined) - from £25

Dress take in side seams (lined) - from £45

Lift shoulders (unlined) from - £25

Lift shoulders (lined) from - £40


Shorten sleeves - £26

Double cuff made into single (buttoned) cuff £28

Taper - from - £27

Shorten length - from £16

x2 darts - £18



Trousers - £25

Jeans - £25

Skirts - from £25

Dress zip - from £25

Dress invisible zip - from £30

Anorak zip - from £35

coat zips -from £45

Heavy duty coat zips- from £50



Shorten unlined - from £30

Shorten lined - from £45

Shorten Padded - from £65

Leather & PVC and Fur

Jackets, skirts, trousers etc. repaired and altered, please ask for quotation.

"Some items will need to be seen by us in person before we can give an accurate cost for alteration or repair, as the original construction must be taken into account."